Project Type: Co-op
Duration: August-September 2021
Skills Applied: Solidworks CAD & Drawings, Component Sourcing
Summary: Designed and sourced a package used to house a motion control box for stereo imager motors, including laying out and modeling a mounting plate for hardware within the enclosure and wiring diagrams from all control components to their respective motors.
- Fit components inside enclosure
- Make inputs and outputs easily accessible
- Prevent wires from being damaged when pulled
- Create wiring diagrams to connect components
- Make BOM of all components needed for each cable and overall enclosure
- Logically laid out components for short cable runs
- Designed mounting plate and front plate for enclosure
- Modeled wiring to reflect on cable drawings effectively
- Verified wire run lists with spec sheets found on vendor and supplier websites
- Calculated wire lengths to reduce excess cabling
- Included cable tension reliefs to reduce chances of cable damage
- Sourced components from vendors and in-house manufacturing to include in BOM
- Solidworks CAD of entire system
- BOM of all components necessary for manufacturing
- Wiring diagrams of all cables in motion control system
- How control electronics function and how signals are sent between components
- Learning various electronic component and connector names and uses
- Properly communicating wiring needs to technicians
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